German Potato Salad
Cooking Time: 40 minutes
Serves: 4
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1. Boil the potatoes, in their skins, until just tender. The time this will take depends on the size of the potatoes.
When done, rinse in cold water and allow to cool slightly.

2. In the meantime, mix all the remaining ingredients except the stock in a large bowl.

3. When the potatoes have cooled a little, remove the skins and slice them into the bowl.

4. Add the stock and mix well. Garnish with fresh herbs if desired. Serve while still slightly warm.

Do not let the potatoes cool completely before adding to the bowl - if they are still warm they should absord some of the liquid.

Recipe Ingredients
6 large Potatoes
2 tablespoons Salad Cream
80ml Double Cream
Black Pepper
1 tablespoon White Wine Vinegar
2 tablespoons Groundnut Oil
1/2 teaspoon Sugar
1/4 teaspoon Mustard
150ml hot Vegetable Stock
(or chicken stock)

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